Developers and content managers can easily set up content structures, or models, create custom workflows, and connect models to speed up creation.
Learn more about what's included out of the box
In Forrester's latest "Now Tech" report on Digital Experience Platforms, Q2 2021, Joe Cicman dives into what to focus on when selecting a DXP.
GraphCMS has the most intuitive, raved about backend UI reducing Developer headaches and improve complicated structure visualization.
Teams are never limited in how many models or how many fields they can create giving creators more freedom and ownership over content.
Models and fields are customizable, and with features like Mutations API, Integrations, and UI Extensions, teams are never limited in the type of content they can create.
Intuitive Schema Builder
Unified Content from 15+ Sources
Programmatic GraphQL Mutations
Start delivering exceptional digital experiences to your customers with the leading GraphQL Headless CMS.
See all featuresWebhooks
Trigger custom code using flexible & granular webhooks
Safely retain revisions of your content to revert when needed
Flexible Content Modeling
Structure your content exactly how you envision it
Trigger custom code using flexible & granular webhooks
Safely retain revisions of your content to revert when needed
Flexible Content Modeling
Structure your content exactly how you envision it
GraphCMS plans are flexibly suited to accommodate your growth. Get started for free, or request a demo to discuss larger projects with more complex needs