Build with SvelteKit and GraphCMS

New Jamstack Explorers mission alert! Free course to go from hello world to production ready Jamstack site.

Scott Spence
Building with SvelteKit and GraphCMS

I'm excited to announce a brand new Jamstack Explorers Mission along with our partner Netlify - Building with SvelteKit and GraphCMS.

This course took just over two weeks to record and edit, and covers getting set up with Svelte in with a SvelteKit project that will get SpaceX API launch data from a GraphQL API in the shape of a GraphCMS project.

What's covered in the course:

  • A brief overview to Svelte and Sveltekit, then walk through setting up and deploying to Netlify detailing the use of adapters in SvelteKit.
  • Setting up the backend which is done easily with one click to deploy a GraphCMS project from the new SpaceX Launches starter.
  • Setting up a GraphQL client for use in the project and how to use endpoints to query the API on the server using the SvelteKit endpoint functionality.
  • There’s also a bonus lesson on adding minimum styling with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI.

Can’t wait to learn more? Check out the project that we will build in the Mission here, and take peek at the source code for the project that is over on the GraphCMS GitHub

Let us know if you take the course and what you build with it in our developer community slack!

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