Introducing Project Sharing

An extension to our Project Cloning Feature, we now give users the power to share projects for others to use as starter templates.

Alexandra Buckalew
Carlos Rufo

As we continue to develop new tools to help promote collaboration and ease-of-use within your GraphCMS projects, we bring you our newest release - Project Sharing. This is an extension of the original Project Cloning feature which allows users to duplicate their original project, creating a 1-to-1 copy within their own GraphCMS account.

Introducing Project CloningAnchor

Share project.png

However, with Project Sharing, you can generate a custom link to share your project(s) as a template with other GraphCMS users outside of their individual projects. Shared projects always include your schema, public API permissions, and tokens. You have the choice to also include content, assets, and webhooks.

Read the documentation →

How to use Project CloningAnchor

The cloning ability is found within your GraphCMS project settings.

To clone a project for your own purposes, find the button under 'Clone Project'. Cloned projects include all of your schemas, content, assets, webhooks, and permissions.

Sharing ProjectsAnchor

Building upon this, we are also introducing Project Sharing, giving you the ability to create public links to let others clone your project into their GraphCMS account.

Project Sharing allows you to easily generate a link that can be given to any other GraphCMS user. You have the option to generate a sharing button in Markdown or HTML. Embed this button on a website or other frontend, giving others the ability to clone your project to use as a template.

Here is an example of sharing a project using a button for our recently announced Docs Starter.

Clone project

We can't wait to share some of our templates in the coming weeks with you using this new feature and encourage you to share project templates with our community!

Join our Community Slack and show us what you've been building →

  • Alexandra Buckalew
  • Carlos Rufo
  • Martian Lee
  • Alexandra Buckalew

    Senior Product Marketing Manager

    [she/her] Alex is driving our product marketing efforts at GraphCMS. She's also a storyteller and a mac & cheese enthusiast.

  • Carlos Rufo

    Software Engineer

    Carlos is an Engineering lead at GraphCMS, focused on product growth and improving the developer experience.

  • Martian Lee

    Software Engineer

    Martian is a Senior Frontend Engineer on the engineering team at GraphCMS.

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