
Learn more about working with Angular.js, and why an Angular Headless CMS with GraphQL could be the right option for your next project.

Angular and Headless CMS

What is AngularAnchor

Angular, an open-source web framework maintained by Google that helps with creating single-page applications. With the help of Angular, one can build rich web applications that run on both mobile and desktop devices. Angular is used by many organizations, including Google.

Benefits of AngularAnchor

As an application development platform, Angular caters to the needs of the evolving Web and thereby offers the best possible way to develop modern and dynamic web applications.

It is a robust open-source framework that helps developers in structuring, organizing and maintaining the client-side code. It's one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks. It has been used by many companies for their web applications.

GraphQL and AngularAnchor

With GraphQL and Angular, you get the advantages of strong typing and predictable responses, you also get the flexibility of allowing clients to ask for exactly what they need.

Why use a Headless CMS for AngularAnchor

A benefit for a Headless CMS with Angular is that you can easily update content without worrying about a lot of back-end coding.

The Angular ecosystem is rich with tools, libraries, and guides to make development fast and easy. You will be able to iterate quickly on your product, make changes without downtime, and easily communicate updates to your users.

Learn more about working with GraphCMS and AngularAnchor

GraphQL, Angular.js, and GraphCMS are a powerful combination when building Jamstack applications.

To get up and running with querying content from GraphCMS using GraphQL in your Angular application, sign up for a free-forever developer account and start your first project!

It's Easy To Get Started

GraphCMS plans are flexibly suited to accommodate your growth. Get started for free, or request a demo to discuss larger projects with more complex needs