What is Next.js?Anchor
Next.js is a hybrid framework for both server-rendered and static JavaScript applications.
A framework that can be used with any back-end technology, Next.js brings the convenience of a modern framework and the performance and SEO benefits of pre-rendering to all websites and apps.
Benefits of NextJSAnchor
It's a JavaScript library that is well documented with a vibrant community with superb developer ergonomics.
Allows you to use modernized syntax. The library is built for the latest web technologies. The syntax is modern and straightforward to read. It has a lot of built-in functionality that will enable you to start using it quickly.
GraphQL and NextJSAnchor
If you're new to GraphQL, using NextJS is a good start! It offers a more REST-like API, with a few more features.
For GraphQL, check out this blog post. You can use the API to query a GraphQL database.
Why use a Headless CMS with Next.jsAnchor
Using a Headless CMS for Next.js websites and applications let's you take advantage of advanced Next.js lifecycle methods to access the data on the client, all server-rendered.
Take the power of Next.js and combine it with a headless CMS for your Progressive Web Application, eCommerce store, or Desktop app project.
Next.js boasts incredible server-side rendering, static exporting, CSS-in-JS and comes with all the boilerplate configured for an out-of-box ready experience. Paired with a Headless CMS for Nextjs, teams will reap the benefits of a highly performant site that gives more independence to the marketing team without compromising on developer experience.
Learn more about working with GraphCMS and Next.jsAnchor
We've worked through several examples of working with GraphCMS as a Next.js Headless CMS, here are a few to go through:
With Next.jsAnchor
This example demonstrates how to query from GraphCMS with graphql-request
in Next.js.
• Demo
How to Use
Download Manually
npx degit graphcms/graphcms-examples/with-nextjs with-nextjs
Install & Run:
cd with-nextjsnpm installnpm run dev# orcd with-nextjsyarnyarn dev
Run on Codesandbox
With next.js i18n RoutingAnchor
This example demonstrates how to use Next.js Internationalized Routing with localized GraphCMS content.
• Demo
How to Use
Download Manually
npx degit graphcms/graphcms-examples/with-nextjs-i18n-routing with-nextjs-i18n-routing
Install & Run:
cd with-nextjs-i18n-routingnpm installnpm run dev# orcd with-nextjs-i18n-routingyarnyarn dev
Run on Codesandbox
With Next.js Image Component with Custom LoaderAnchor
This example demonstrates how to use a custom loader function with Next.js Image Component and GraphCMS assets.
This allows you to perform asset transformations using the GraphCMS CDN, rather than the default Next.js loader.
By using a custom loader, you will forgo the image caching provided by the default Next.js loader. Learn more here.
• Demo
How to Use
Download Manually
npx degit graphcms/graphcms-examples/with-nextjs-image-loader with-nextjs-image-loader
Install & Run:
cd with-nextjs-image-loadernpm installnpm run dev# orcd with-nextjs-image-loaderyarnyarn dev
Run on Codesandbox
With Next.js Image ComponentAnchor
This example demonstrates how to use the Next.js Image Component with your GraphCMS assets.
• Demo
How to Use
Download Manually
npx degit graphcms/graphcms-examples/with-nextjs-image with-nextjs-image
Install & Run:
cd with-nextjs-imagenpm installnpm run dev# orcd with-nextjs-imageyarnyarn dev
Run on Codesandbox
With Next.js and MDXAnchor
This example demonstrates how to use markdown fields from GraphCMS with MDX
in Next.js.
• Demo
How to Use
Download Manually
npx degit graphcms/graphcms-examples/with-nextjs-mdx-remote with-nextjs-mdx-remote
Install & Run:
cd with-nextjs-mdx-remotenpm installnpm run dev# orcd with-nextjs-mdx-remoteyarnyarn dev
Run on Codesandbox
GraphQL, Next.js, and GraphCMS are a powerful combination when building Jamstack applications.
To get up and running with querying content from GraphCMS using GraphQL in your Next.js application, sign up for a free-forever developer account and start your first project!