JavaScript SDK

The JavaScript SDK allows you to build UI Extensions using native JavaScript, or the framework and bundler of your choice.

If your are using React, we advise you to use our React SDK instead.

Setup the SDKAnchor

You need to include the UI Extensions SDK in your project by either adding the script tag to the head of your HTML file, or importing it from NPM.

Directly in your HTML, via CDN:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Notice that you also need to include our patched version of  Zoid before the SDK.

Or if you use a bundler, as an npm package:

npm install @graphcms/uix-sdk

Next, create an extension declaration. Let's assume you are building a custom input for a String field:

const declaration = {
extensionType: 'field',
fieldType: 'STRING',
name: 'My first custom input',
description: '',
features: ['FieldRenderer'],

Finally, initialize the SDK:

Interact with GraphCMSAnchor

Now that you have initialized the SDK, you can read data from GraphCMS, subscribe to value changes, and change values from within the extension.

Let's continue with the custom string input scenario, and use this simplistic HTML markup for diplayed text field:

<input type="text" id="myCustomInput" />

We now want to synchronise this input with GraphCMS. It should display the previously saved value on first load, and all user input should be sent back to GraphCMS.

By providing an onProps callback at initialization, you can subscribe to all props changes (values, methods, etc..) that happen after initialization.

// we need a reference to the input element
const myInput = document.getElementById('myCustomInput');
onProps: (newProps) => {
// each time GraphCMS send new props, we update the displayed value to the new one
const { value } = newProps;
myInput.value = value;
}).then((initialState) => {
const { status, props } = initialState;
if (status === 'ok') {
// this will only be called once
const { value, onChange } = props;
// we initialize the input with the previously saved value, or a default one if there is none
myInput.value = value || '';
// each time we change the input value, we notify GraphCMS of the change
myInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => onChange(;

Using TypeScriptAnchor

The JavaScript SDK is written in TypeScript, and can be used with TypeScript projects.

import {
} from '@graphcms/uix-sdk';
// validate the shape of your declaration object by
const declaration: FieldExtensionDeclaration = {
extensionType: 'field',
fieldType: FieldExtensionType.STRING,
name: 'My first custom input',
description: '',
features: [FieldExtensionFeature.FieldRenderer],
// Create a new type from your declaration object.
type MyExactDeclarationType = typeof declaration;
// And give it to the init function, allowing it do dynamically type the props transmitted by GraphCMS to reflect your extension configuration.
onProps: (newProps) => {
// newProps is now typed
const { value } = newProps;
myInput.value = value;
}).then((initialState) => {
const { status, props } = initialState; // initialState is now typed
if (status === 'ok') {
// props is now typed
const { value, onChange } = props;

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